SCHS amended - Frequently Asked Questions
™ What is the meaning of an eligibility number and how can I get it?
¾ If you wish to test within the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia, you must be eligible to test. The
Saudi Commission issues an eligibility number to you. This number is unique and allows
you to sit the appropriate test according to your qualifications and experience. Your
eligibility to take the exam lasts a period of three months
™ What is the purpose of this exam?
¾ By taking this exam, the Saudi Commission is able to assess your ability in your chosen
medical specialty. If you reach the required standard, this could facilitate your visa
application to work within the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia
™ If I pass the test, do I get practice license?
¾ No, the purpose of the exam is for you to demonstrate that you have reached the
standard as required by the SCFHS
™ What is the different between testing inside and outside Saudi Arabia?
¾ If testing within the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia, you will need to obtain an eligibility number
from SCFHS to be able to take the test and the cost of the exam is $80. If you choose to
test outside the Kingdom, no eligibility number is required and the cost of the exam will
vary depending on where you test. For further information on eligibility entitlement please
™ Is my specialty available at Prometric test centers?
¾ A complete list of exam offered by Prometric is available on this website. If the exam you
wish to take is not mentioned, please contact the SCFHS for further information at on how you can take this exam
™ What methods can I use to schedule a test?
¾ The quickest and easiest way to make your registration is on-line as this will give you up
to the minute details of seat availability. You can also schedule by telephone by calling
the Thomson Prometric Regional Contact Center. When registering for a test, you
must enter the number and issuing country of either your current Passport or
Government Issued ID Card. SCFHS will not accept candidates who have not
completed this information and failure do so may result in your result being
withheld. This ID must also be taken to testing centre for verification at Check-in.
™ How many times I am eligible to take the test?
¾ If testing within the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia, your eligibility to take the exam lasts for
three months and during this time you are entitled to take the exam twice. If your three-
month period has expired, you must recontact SCFHS at to have
your eligibility period extended. If testing outside the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia, you may
take the same exam three times in one calendar year
™ What is the procedure to reschedule an exam?
¾ Should you need to reschedule your exam, you can either call the Customer Service
Team at the Thomson Prometric Regional Contact Center or you can visit at least 3 full calendar days before your appointment.
™ How do I cancel a test and do I get a refund?
¾ Should you need to cancel your exam, you can either call the Thomson Prometric
Regional Contact Center or visit at least 3 full calendar days before
your appointment. If you paid Prometric directly with a credit card, please request a
refund and this will be arranged for you. If your registration was made for you, you need
to contact that party and arrange a refund directly with them
™ How can I locate my nearest test center?
¾ To locate your nearest test centre, check on After requesting
SCHS, click on "Locate a Testing Centre" and this will provide you with all the necessary
™ How quickly can I schedule an appointment?
¾ The quickest way to schedule an appointment is booking online. This can be done 3 full
calendar days before the desired test date. You can also schedule via the Customer
Service Team and this must be done 5 full days before the desired test date. When
registering for a test, you must enter the number and issuing country of either your
current Passport or Government Issued ID Card. SCFHS will not accept
candidates who have not completed this information and failure do so may result
in your result being withheld. This ID must also be taken to testing centre for
verification at Check-in.
™ If I cannot get the date I want, what can I do?
¾ Our aim is to provide you with a suitable appointment date for testing within the next 2
weeks. In the unlikely event that you are unable to find a seat, please contact our
Customer Service Team at the Thomson Prometric Regional Contact Center or by email
(in English only).
™ CANDIDATES IN SAUDI ARABIA ONLY: While I am scheduling and get error message
"Eligibility not recognized" or "My eligibility expired", what does this mean and what
should I do?
¾ If this message occurs, you should recontact the SCFHS at . It could
be that your eligibility period to take your exam has expired or that your eligibility has to
be reset. This can only be done via SCFHS
™ CANDIDATES IN SAUDI ARABIA ONLY: When I contacted the Saudi Commission about
eligibility, I was told that my eligibility is valid, what should I do?
¾ Please contact the Customer Service Team at the Thomson Prometric Regional Contact
Center by telephone or by email (in English only) at and they will be able to investigate
this for you
™ CANDIDATES IN SAUDI ARABIA ONLY: How many test centers are available in Saudi
¾ There are testing centres currently available for men and women in Abha, Dammam,
Jeddah, Madina, Qasim, Riyadh and Tabuk. Up to date seat availability is available 24
hours a day through
™ How do I know that my an appointment is confirmed?
¾ When your registration has been successfully made, either through the Internet or over
the phone, you will receive an email confirmation. All the information that you need,
including your confirmation number, contact details of the testing centre and the ID
requirements you must bring with you, is detailed on this email. If you do not receive
your email confirmation within 24 hours of registering, you should contact the Customer
Service Team at the Thomson Prometric Regional Contact Center or by email (in English
™ Can I schedule at any test center?
¾ Yes, you can reserve a seat in any location listed for SCHS examinations. (If you wish to
test within the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia, however, you must first contact the SCFHS to
become eligible to test.) You cannot reserve your seat directly with the test center.
™ How can I pay for my exam?
¾ If booking through the Internet or by telephone, payment for your exam can be made with
all major credit cards; MasterCard, Visa, America Express. Unfortunately, payment
cannot be made in cash. If you send your registration through the post, you must send it
with the relevant form and a cheque made payable to Prometric for the correct amount in
™ What documents should I take to the test center for my identification?
¾ When you go to the testing center, you should take with you the same form of
identification that you used to register with, your Passport or Government Issued
ID Card. At check in, this will be verified and if the ID does not match, you may be
refused testing. SCFHS will not accept candidates who have not completed this
information and failure do so may result in your result being withheld.
™ What is the duration of the exam?
¾ All exams last 2 hours
™ How many questions in my specialty?
¾ There are 70 questions to answer
™ What type of questions do I have in my test?
¾ All exams questions are in multiple choice format so you simply select the correct answer
from the choices that are available
™ How I will get my result at the end of my test?
¾ Yes, when your exam has ended, you will receive a Score Report. This will indicate your
score and whether you have been successful in passing the examination
™ What is the passing score for my specialty?
¾ This varies according to which exam you are taking. Further information can be obtained
through contacting the Saudi Commission directly at
™ What should I do if there is technical problem or other issue, which means I am unable
to take my test?
¾ In the highly unlikely situation that you are unable to test, you will be issued with an
incident number at the testing centre. You will then be able to rebook your appointment,
free of charge, with the Customer Service Team at the Thomson Prometric Regional
Contact Center or by email (in English only) and they will be able to assist you. Please
ensure that you always quote the incident number given to you by the test center staff
™ What should I do if I get incorrect question in my test or if I have a complaint during
my test?
¾ The exam that you will take has been verified many times. However, if you believe that
there maybe an error, of you have cause to complain for any reason during your test, you
should notify the testing center Administrator who will file a report. This will be passed
onto the necessary department for further investigation and you will be contacted for
further information, if required
™ What should I do if the Saudi Commission hasn't received my result?
¾ If there is an issue with your result please contact the Customer Service Team at the
Thomson Prometric Regional Contact Center by email including your confirmation
number, date and place of testing and they will escalate this for you